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Firebug can make Gmail slow

こないだ Gmail の最新版にしてサクサクになって喜んでたけど,こんなん見つけた(日本版は当然 .co.jp なので).

For the best Gmail performance, we suggest disabling Firebug for www.google.com.

Windows or Linux Users

To disable Firebug:

  1. Click the green or red icon in the bottom right corner of the browser window to open Firebug.
  2. Click the bug icon in the top left corner of Firebug and select 'Disable Firebug for mail.google.com.'

If you'd like to keep Firebug running, you may improve Gmail performance by following these steps:

  1. Click the green or red icon in the bottom right corner of the browser window to open Firebug.
  2. Click the Console tab.
  3. Select Options.
  4. Uncheck Show XMLHttpRequests.
  5. Click the Net tab.
  6. Select Options.
  7. Check Disable Network Monitoring.

オレのこの環境では Firebug は default で disable になってるけど,念のためメモっておく.Google 関連は外しておくのが吉か.
