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Gmail 用 Greasemonkey script テンコ盛り Firefox extension

ext や script (こっちは update 通知が無くて管理が面倒いし)を増やすと遅くなって仕方が無いんだけど,こんな ext 発見したので入れてみた.

Better Gmail (Firefox extension)
既存の25?以上の Greasemonkey script と skin のパッケージ(該当する Greasemonkey script は不要になるみたい)

  1. Add Google Calendar link:Adds GCal link to folder list. By Pau Tomas
  2. Add Google Reader "Feeds" link:Adds Feeds link to folder list. By Mihai Parparita
  3. Air Skin:A Gmail skin inspired by airways. By Bogdan Piloca
  4. All pages' mailto: links compose in Gmail:Adds compose message in Gmail link next to all email links. By Julien Couvreur, Gina Trapani
  5. Attachment Icons:Adds attachment filetype icons. By Moktoipas
  6. Attachment Icons (Bigger!):Adds bigger attachment filetype icons. By Moktoipas
  7. Attachment Reminder:Reminds you to attach the file you mentioned. By norcimo
  8. Bottom Post in Reply:Inserts cursor after quoted text in reply (plain text only). By Henrik N
  9. Conversation Preview:Right-click message bubble previews in list view. By Mihai Parparita
  10. Date Search:Find all the messages for one single day. By Adam Pash
  11. Filter Assistant:Appends an easy filter creation button on a message. By Ming (Amos) Zhang
  12. Fixed Font:Use a fixed font for composing plain text messages. By Jb Evain
  13. Folders4Gmail:Lists labels in a folder-like hierarchy. By Arend v. Reinersdorff
  14. Force encrypted Gmail connection (https):Forces encrypted https:// connection to Gmail. By Mark Pilgrim
  15. Forward Thread:Combines all messages and enters them into the forward box. By Aaron Boodman
  16. Hide Invites to Gmail:Hides the Invites box. By Geferson
  17. Hide Spam count:Hides Gmail's Spam message count. By Daniel Rozenberg
  18. Hide Labels:Hides the Labels box. By TigerJay
  19. Inbox Count First:See unread message count first on Gmail tab title. By Jon Ramsey, Gina Trapani
  20. Integrate Google Reader:Show GReader feeds below Gmail messages. By Winston, nickman55
  21. Label Colors:Optionally colors label names (with a #color suffix). By Mihai Parparita
  22. Macros keyboard shortcuts (press H for help) Adds keyboard shortcuts. Press h in Gmail for details. By Mihai Parparita, Brent Nef
  23. Mail.app:Mac-like skin. By Frank (DesertFox)
  24. One Click Conversations:See recent conversations with a certain contact. By Jeff Keen
  25. Revisited:Adds rollover highlights and enlarges buttons. By funkjedi
  26. Saved Searches (cookie):Saves searches (in cookies, so per computer.) By Mihai Parparita
  27. Saved Searches (contact):Saves searches (in a fake contact, so per account.) By Mihai Parparita, Luke Baker
  28. Show disk usage as progress bar:Display your disk usage as a bar. By TigerJay
  29. Signature Settings: Float/HTML/No dashes:Adds message signature options in Settings area. By Tim Jarrett
  30. Smart Read Button:Adds dynamic Mark as Read or Unread button. By Chenxin Li
  31. Super Clean:Skins Gmail with a clean, white look. By Ganesh Rao
  32. TinyURL selected link (Alt+Shift+U):Shrink a URL with a key combination. (Alt+Shift+U) By Mark Wilkie
  33. Unlabeled Message Search:Adds a search for unlabeled messages. By Jaidev


Label Colors (Messages) と Revisited (Skins) は conflict してラベル色が無効になる(Skins は多分の他の項目でも).